If you haven’t read the headlines on the Metaverse, then you might want to catch up! Why? Because it’s changing the way we socialize, interact, do business, share knowledge and experiences — essentially our entire current form of communication. It’s going to be “meta” transformational. And if those aren’t enough reasons to peak your interest, maybe the fact that the Metaverse is being described as an entirely virtual world with practical uses is. Essentially, it’s being compared to cosmic technological advances such as, ahem, the Internet and the smartphone.
With a creation and change so substantial, it begs the question: How in the world did we get here? While the edge data center is home to the Metaverse, it is the digital infrastructure that enables this virtual world that will require a sort of reconfiguring (or overhaul) in order to support the architecture and latency needs demands.
EdgeConneX, a pioneer in changing the landscape for edge data center development, understands the significance and implication of how something as mega as the metaverse will not only impact the way data centers operate now but in the future.
Phillip Marangella, CMO, EdgConneX, said this, ‘the vision cannot become reality without an infrastructure that extends from core to edge and sustainably scales to deliver this new kind of universe wherever humans choose to go.’
EdgeConneX is excited to be involved in and support our customers during this substantial transformation and process leading to problem-solving at the speed of a fiber connection.
Learn more about the Metaverse in this Data Center Frontier article by Phillip Marangella, EdgeConneX CMO.