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Telecom Ramblings Shines Industry Spotlight on LightRiver COO

LightRiver COO Travis Ewert Talks to Telecom Ramblings’ Rob Powell in This Week’s Industry Spotlight

Telecom RamblingsIn case you missed it yesterday, be sure to read Telecom Ramblings’ latest “Industry Spotlight,” which features Travis Ewert, Chief Operating Officer of LightRiver and expert on network automation.

Per the article,  “The rise of SDN and network automation has created opportunities for growth and evolution among those who build and deploy networks behind the scenes.  In 2017, LightRiver made an inorganic move with the acquisition of UCS and its netFLEX® platform, and has since been working hard to meld those SDN capabilities into its business.”

In the interview, Travis discusses the biggest differences and opportunities that he sees on the supplier side with LightRiver, and delves into LightRiver’s award-winning netFLEX® platform, which is short for network FLEXIBILITY and is a multi-domain optical domain controller that fits within an SDN-reference model. He also discusses LightRiver’s developing applications and future capabilities it will offer the market.

“We have our own analytics engine that we’ve developed entirely ourselves,” states Mr. Ewert. “There are two or three prospective partners we’re talking to who could then take that data and do some broader visualizations or even analytics on top that we could then extend to our customers. So, there will be more investment and building out of these integrations to support some of the most strategic SDN and OSS platforms out there. We will double- or triple-down this integration development supporting analytics, as well as that of realtime inventory and provisioning automation.”

Read the full Telecom Ramblings’ Industry Spotlight interview here to learn more, and to see what’s ahead in 2019 for LightRiver, its customers, and the industry as a whole when it comes to network automation.

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