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The Basic Components of a Strong PR Campaign

The main goal of any public relations campaign is, of course, getting client news picked up in media outlets. But writing a great press release is just the first step. And while pickup is nice, positioning the client as a thought leader that media outlets can turn to for expertise is even better. A strong public relations campaign needs a multi-pronged approach to generate both media attention and media pickup. 

  1. Clear messaging. What is the purpose of your press release? Is it to make an announcement? Tout an achievement? Tell a story? Make sure the message is clear, concise and consistent. There should be one main message per release. The messaging should be consistent with the brand. The message should be memorable and answer the question: so what? 
  2. Clear objective. What are the client’s goals for this news? Make sure you lay out a clear objective, whether that is lead generation, general marketplace announcement, media coverage, or brand awareness. 
  3. Target audience. Who is your target audience? This is important to know before you start your campaign. Is the news directed at customers, competitors, or verticals? This will help determine not only the message, but also the objective and guide which media outlets we will the focus for your campaign. 
  4. Plan your outreach. A strong PR campaign will use several tools and platforms for maximum as well as targeted exposure. A press release distributed by wire services is a start. Also include a social media component, media pitching (both via email blast and direct, personal contacts,) content to be hosted on the client website and a blog or series of blogs. 
  5. Always be communicating. The other ABC means tell your client’s story all the time. Don’t wait for “news” to share in a press release. Pay attention to what your go-to journalists and publications are writing about. Offer your client’s expertise where it fits. 

Pairing a strong PR campaign with a clear objective aimed at a targeted audience is more likely to result in reaching the goal of delivering a message that is well received. 

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