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Stream Data Centers Hires Chris Bair as New SVP of Sales and Leasing

Stream Data Centers  is enhancing its ability to help ChrisBair-8732-350x470.jpgcustomers establish carefully planned end-to-end data center footprints throughout the US. To support this initiative, the company’s senior leadership has added Chris Bair to the team as Senior Vice President of Sales and Leasing. With over 20 years of experience in the data center sector, Chris is charged with providing trusted expertise to enterprise and hyperscale cloud customers.

Michael Lahoud, Chief Operating Officer at Stream Data Centers commented that though mature, today’s data center market is being heavily influenced by surging enterprise and cloud provider demand for hyperscale data centers, high-density deployments and diverse ultra-low latency connectivity options.

Stream already has a strong portfolio of existing data centers and operational services and leverages a deep-seated real estate expertise to help customers decide whether to build, lease or perform sale leasebacks – whatever makes the most sense for them from a financial and logistical perspective. With his track record of success, Chris will play a crucial role in bringing the Stream experience to more enterprises and cloud providers across the US.

“I am excited to join the Stream team and spread the message that whether it’s space, high density, location, cloud onramps or access to fiber, we have all this and more for our customers,” says Chris Bair, SVP of Sales and Leasing at Stream. “The Stream team is replete with talent coupled with a very customer-oriented approach to doing business. Thanks to this as well as the company’s longevity and strong financial position, we provide a rich data center environment that permits our customers to grow over time and access new markets as we also expand further. We are truly a trusted partner and I look forward to working with existing and new customers in this manner over the coming weeks and months.”

To learn more about Stream Data Centers, visit the company’s website at www.streamdatacenters.com.


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