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270 Peachtree

Southern Telecom Supports Fiber Network Expansion for Major Telecom Carrier Hotel

Substantial conduit project in downtown Atlanta enables expansion with new high-density fiber cable deployment

Following a very successful ITW 2019 for Southern Telecom, Inc. (STI), a subsidiary of Southern Company, which included several onsite tours of its 270 Peachtree colocation facility during the event, the company has announced today a new development in its substantial conduit system in downtown Atlanta for a major telecom carrier hotel.  To support its high fiber density deployment in Atlanta metro, the customer has leased a new 1,728 fiber count cable. The new, larger fiber optic cable amounts to 12 times the fiber count of typical network cables with a similar diameter, allowing for a higher fiber count within a smaller footprint.

The ongoing project, which commenced in 2018 when the telecom carrier hotel was seeking to expand into an additional nearby building, takes advantage of STI’s unique and secure infrastructure that utilizes cast iron pipes beneath the streets of Atlanta. Currently used for both STI’s fiber build and the conduit, this infrastructure comprises 12 route miles throughout the city’s business district and utilizes former steam ducts.

“We’re excited about the progress of this project and further supporting the customer’s critical fiber deployment here in Atlanta, as it continues to leverage STI’s conduit system that utilizes a unique and extensive HDPE conduit within the cast iron pipe system,” comments Barry Navarre, Business Development Manager for STI. “The diversity and security that STI’s infrastructure provides is very valuable to the l customer and proves to be a turnkey and cost-effective solution for its expansion plans. Additionally, the lease of this new, larger fiber count cable offers greater capacity and better ROI.”

STI’s unique conduit system within the steam pipes creates an additional level of security for STI customers, due to the added layer of protection around the dark fiber and conduits, versus being buried.

Southern Telecom markets or owns more than 2,600 route miles in the Southeast, which is anchored by this robust conduit and dark fiber metro network in Atlanta. For more information on Southern Telecom and the dark fiber and colocation services it offers, visit https://www.southern-telecom.com.

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