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Redline Executives to Discuss Network Strategies in a Webinar

It’s an unprecedented time in the wireless industry, as new spectrum solutions can now be easily obtained to build and operate private, industrial wireless connectivity solutions in the shared CBRS 3.5 GHz and licensed Anterix 900 MHz bands. Redline’s VP of Sales Engineering, Ishaq Mian, and Solutions Architect, Duane Zimmer, will provide an overview of the new spectrum and wireless connectivity options and solutions in a webinar, Understanding Your Wireless Options When Building Mission- Critical, Industrial Wireless Networks” that will take place take place on Thursday, July 23, at 1 PM ET.   

During the webinar, Ishaq and Duane will discuss those options and place them in the context of  how they can be leveraged by mission-critical infrastructure industries as they build their own secure, ultra-reliable, cost-optimized private wireless networks.

“The recent Federal Communications Commission spectrum allotment will help private LTE providers complement their offerings with unlicensed Wi-Fi for small coverage areas,” states Ishaq.  “This will enable the further build-out of private connectivity solutions, all the while challenging wired IT infrastructure in bandwidth and installation costs.” 

Digital transformation demands connectivity. Connectivity, if wired, can be cost-prohibitive in a number of situations, thus undermining the entire business case for digital transformation. And until now, the options for wireless connectivity, specifically in mission-critical industries, were limited – hence, the slow pace of this infrastructure’s transformation in the United States,” states Ishaq.    

“With the new spectrum allocation,” added Duane, “mission-critical industries, such as transportation, utilities, mining and oil & gas will have more tools than ever to develop innovative wireless solutions.”

To register for the free webinar on July 23, click here

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