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SubOptic 6 TNN Blog

New Opportunities, New Ways of Doing Business and Operating Our Global Communications Fabric Discussed on the SubOptic Spotlight This Wednesday

Register today for SubOptic’s 6TH and final event in the COVID-19 Spotlight Series: NAVIGATING COVID-19: CREATING OPPORTUNITY OUT OF CRISIS on Wednesday, July 1 at 9 AM ET.

This collaborative virtual roundtable will focus on new opportunities created by the submarine cable industry over these past months – some (but not all) of which have grown out of new ways of doing business and operating our global communications fabric as we navigate our way through the pandemic.

Click here to register.

The special guest speaker for this event is Dr Julie Albright, Digital Sociologist and Author of “Left to Their Own Devices: How Digital Natives Are Reshaping the American Dream”. Dr Albright will share insights on human-technology sociological trends and how COVID-19 has impacted these trends – including individual and collective dependence on technology & its supporting infrastructure.

Here’s what you can expect from SubOptic’s Spotlight #6:

1. Cooperation across industry sectors and with governments that enabled collective progress in serving global communication needs
2. How technology investment has enabled our industry to perform during COVID and how further investment in technology may enable even more efficiencies and effectiveness moving forward
3. How COVID has shown the value to the industry of people and what that means about investing in people in the future
4. Critical voids in our industry left wanting of new solutions

Register here to sit in on this virtual roundtable from the comfort of your own home as these industry thought-leaders further evaluate the future outlook of the communications industry.

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