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MCFI’s Patrick Giangrosso and Other Industry Experts Talk Alternative Energy in 2023

MCFI Vice-President Patrick Giangrosso recently joined a virtual round table with other industry experts to weigh in on Alternative Energy Sources, Power Generation & Efficiency for Data Centers in 2023 and Beyond. The discussion covered many critical aspects of energy efficiency in data centers, including the growing trend of creating sustainability departments, energy conservation strategies, the Dark Green rated bond and more. 

During the roundtable, Patrick and other panelists exchanged ideas surrounding what strategies they are noticing and implementing, along with some of the challenges the industry as a whole will need to overcome as it moves toward reducing its carbon footprint. Some of the notable highlights included: 

  • The increase in companies creating sustainability and climate-neutral services departments focused on meeting ESG goals and working toward reducing the negative impact on both local and global environments.
  • While there are many strategies being developed, the most vital discussions seem to be focused on identifying ways to reuse excess heat, exploring alternative cooling methods, and optimizing airflow management plans to best serve workloads. 
  • The significance of utilizing additional resources such as green bonds and partnerships with other like-minded organizations/investors. 

No stranger to sustainable practices, MCFI is largely known for its lineup of sustainable data center, power and cooling infrastructure solutions, including GENIUS™, a customizable modular/prefabricated data centers, and MicroGENIUS™, a sustainable microgrid communications shelter that delivers efficient, grid-independent energy solutions. Patrick was also a co-author in the Amazon best selling book Greener Data: Actionable Insights from Industry Leaders

You can watch the full round table discussion here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-exnZ7rK7E

Learn more about MCFI by visiting www.missioncriticalgroup.com

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