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Learn How to Mitigate and Monetize Your DDoS Solutions And Be Entered to Win an iPad During the Nexusguard Virtual Event on August 13th

Don’t be afraid to talk about network security, be prepared. Next week, on Thursday, August 13 at 9 AM PST, Nexusguard will be hosting a virtual roundtable titled Preparing for the Inevitable: DDoS Trends and Mitigation Strategies where they will explore and detail the changing face of DDoS attacks and what you can do about them, quickly and affordably.

Starting and maintaining an Anti-DDoS service is both expensive and challenging. This virtual event will provide service provider attendees with a comprehensive and actionable plan to both mitigate DDoS attacks and monetize Anti-DDoS solution while retaining key customers and attracting new customers to their network and services.

Plan to Learn More About: 

  • DDoS Current State of Attacks
  • Most Common DDoS Mitigation Strategies
  • Challenges for CSP to Protect Network vs Customers
  • 2020 Trends and Forecast for 2021 
  • Planning for the Next Phase of DDoS attacks

Register and attend this virtual event for your chance to win a 32 GB iPad!

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