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GIR Software Services’ New eBook Leans Into the Future of E-Commerce

The E-Commerce industry boomed in 2020 following the worldwide pandemic that shut down storefronts and businesses nationwide. Websites were flooded with around-the-clock orders for everything from food and paper goods to loungewear and makeshift homeschool supplies.  

While restrictions are starting to lift and many stores have reopened, the e-commerce industry continues to thrive and shows no signs of slowing down, especially while much of the workforce continues to operate from home.

Upwork’s “Future of the Workforce Pulse Report” finds that one in four Americans will be working remotely in 2021, and by 2025, 36.2 million Americans will be working remotely – an 87% increase from pre-pandemic levels.

In an effort to support e-commerce businesses, GIR Software Services, a NetSuite Solutions provider and partner specializing in SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce Advanced deployments, has developed a guide that explores the Top 10 E-Commerce Trends for 2021. The e-book focuses on why subscription models are soaring high to chatbots, AI and fulfillment strategies, as well as how e-commerce businesses can remain relevant and competitive in the coming year. 

As e-commerce sales grew in 2020, brick-and-mortar store revenues declined an estimated 14%. In comparison, Amazon’s e-commerce revenue saw a 47% gain year over year for the second quarter of 2020.  

“We are seeing signs that online purchasing trends formed during the pandemic may see permanent adoption,” Taylor Schreiner, Director, Adobe Digital Insights, said in a statement. “While BOPIS was a niche delivery option pre-pandemic, it is fast becoming the delivery method of choice as consumers become more familiar with the ease, convenience and experience.”

GIR offers the expertise, experience, and support needed for businesses to achieve their e-commerce business goals through its NetSuite services and solutions. It hopes the ebook will serve as a planning tool for e-commerce businesses looking for ways to maintain their success from 2020 and those looking to scale in the new year. 

For more information on GIR, visit their website

You can also download a copy of “The Future of E-Commerce is Now” here.



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