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FOREVER SAFE: T5 Reaches Major Milestone of More than Two Million Hours without a Lost-Time Injury

Safety first. At T5 Data Centers, it’s not just a motto. T5 builds, manages, and operates its own data centers as well as on behalf of its customers.  The company has just celebrated an impressive and significant milestone by completing two million worked hours without a lost-time accident. This is the result of the company’s proactive safety culture, as well as having processes in place to help ensure that culture is ingrained in the team at every level. This impeccable safety record, coupled with 100% uptime, delivers on T5’s promise of “Forever Safe. Forever On.” 

This achievement comes on the heels of the previous 1.5 million worked hours without an OSHA Recordable injury in 2021. In total, T5FM (T5 Facilities Management) has operated for more than two consecutive years without a lost-time incident at any of the 55 facilities it operates in 20 markets nationwide.

“First and foremost, we owe our success to our employees, nearly 500 strong across our entire T5 portfolio of projects, from our executive team to our on-site teams. Our entire team is fully committed to the continued success of our safety measures. And we are able to maintain this commitment because we provide our employees with the key tools they need to succeed: content, leaders, and communication,” says T5 CEO, Pete Marin.  

There are very specific tools available to every single T5 employee to enable this impeccable safety record. First, as a core process, every job has a Method of Procedure (MOP) statement in place. Each task within the MOP also has a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). This is a team concept, not just an individual undertaking. Our employees review and record all the steps and all the potential hazards they identify on each job. This allows employees, and vendors alike, to be aware of any potential hazard that could arise at any point of the job on the front end before any work begins. 

The company considers each employee a leader. All of our employees have Stop Work Authority. If a job is not progressing the way it is supposed to, every employee is empowered to call a halt, review as a team, create a new MOP and JHA to address the unanticipated risk. This ensures that every member of the team is comfortable doing the job. This level of proactive safety awareness is what every business wants to ensure for their employees. At T5, the company is empowering its employees to prioritize their safety by putting the power in their hands. 

“This is my resource that allows me to consult and keep on top of any questions. We have a number of programs, audits, inspections, etc. and we are conducting annual environmental health safety training, going above and beyond what OSHA requires,” says Gerald Mckie, T5’s Director for Environmental, Health and Safety. “We engage our employees. We empower them. They are able to speak up and ask questions, and they don’t take saying something lightly. They raise any issues that they see as potential hazards.” 

At T5, the leadership team and on-site managers invest a lot of time making sure our team makes safety their first priority.  To learn more about how T5 can keep your critical facility Forever Safe and Forever On, contact them here


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