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1623 ILoveDataCenters TNN

Edge Data Center and Interconnection at 1623 Farnam 

Todd Cushing, President of 1623 Farnam was out and virtually about, talking with industry mover and shaker, Sean Patrick Tario of Open Spectrum. In the 51st Episode of I Love Data Centers: Data Centers and Interconnection in Omaha, Todd discusses all things edge data centers and interconnection. The two also took a trip down memory lane reflecting on what I Love Data Centers Todd Cushingbrought Todd to this point in his career, what shaped his strong work ethic and just how the industry has evolved over the years. Todd shared how his industry start stemmed from his brother working at First Data and visiting him at work first piqued his interest: “I remember walking into the data center with raised floor with a Star Trek-y door that slid open. I was like wow. It was a movement for me when I first walked in.” A lot has certainly changed since then, but one thing remains for sure, Todd still loves data centers!

Why 1623 Farnam Loves Data Centers

1623 Farnam is THE Midwest’s fastest growing carrier neutral ecosystem. Its focus is on interconnection and its strategic location in the middle of the U.S. is a huge advantage for carriers, content and service providers, enterprises, gaming and all of those organizations that need low latency routes and secure, diverse routes across the U.S. As Todd said, “Our clear focus day to day is to make 1623 awesome and grow the business.”

One part we especially enjoyed was the chat about what’s important for our country’s younger generation to be successful. Todd serves as a mentor to those entering the workforce and enjoys guiding them on how to best grow their careers.

Be sure to tune in to learn more about why THE MIDDLE of the U.S. is THE CENTER of the ACTION. 

Check out the PODCAST HERE.

Please be sure to tell us Why You Love Data Centers!  

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