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DataBank CEO, Raul Martynek to Talk ‘Capitalizing on the Cloud and Edge’ at ITW 2021

DataBank, CEO Raul Martynek to Talk ‘Capitalizing on the Cloud and Edge’ at ITW 2021

Industry insights, exciting announcements, and innovative exhibitions from across the global ICT infrastructure industry will fill the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, MD August 30 – September 2, 2021, for ITW 2021. This year’s event titled ‘Global Connectivity Reimagined’ will provide a blended in-person and virtual experience, allowing local and international attendees to come together, however they’d like, wherever they are in the world.

This year, edge infrastructure provider, DataBank, is ITW’s Datacloud and Edge Track sponsor. Raul Martynek, CEO and telecom veteran of 20+, will share the stage with some of the industry’s top market drivers and disruptors, including Bill Barney, CEO, Turbidite and Chris Sharp, CTO, Digital Realty to discuss how telcos can capitalize on the cloud and the edge during a panel on Monday, August 30.

“The pandemic accelerated digital transformation across the ICT infrastructure landscape creating incredible opportunities for organizations of all types,” comments Martynek. “ITW brings together some of the industry’s top data center, cloud and edge space industry leaders for an incredible opportunity to share new ideas and explore new opportunities to partner and collaborate with industry leaders and decision-makers.”

Over the past year, DataBank has played a significant role in expanding the landscape of digital transformation across the U.S. and Europe. The company has experienced tremendous growth with expansions in key markets including Dallas, Denver, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, and Salt Lake City; and with the closing of its acquisition of zColo, DataBank now operates over 60 data centers.

In addition to hearing from Martynek at the Datacloud and Edge Track panel discussion, companies also have a chance to meet with DataBank key executives and top sales representatives at ITW. Interested companies can book a meeting by clicking here.

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