When defining the future of the data center industry, one initiative is clearly paramount: environmental sustainability.
On Thursday, April 7, tune in to hear the new innovative ways data centers and businesses from around the world are partnering together, making it a top priority to reduce critical facilities’ carbon footprints. Join the top industry professionals, all contributing authors of the new book Greener Data, due out soon on Earth Day, as we unveil new energy efficiencies, technologies and construction plans in our global pursuit of going green. Register HERE
This is a #greenerdata virtual roundtable that you will NOT want to miss. Our esteemed speakers include:
- Moderator: Jaymie Scotto Cutaia, Founder & CEO | Jaymie Scotto & Associates
- Sean Farney, Director, Data Center Marketing | KOHLER
- Bill Kleyman, EVP of Digital Solutions | Switch
- Phillip Marangella, Chief Marketing Officer | EdgeConneX
- Dean Nelson, Founder & Chairman | iMasons
- Sujit Panda, CTO | BDx
- Karimulla (Karim) Shaikh, CTO | Virtual Power Systems
- Wes Swenson, CEO | Novva Data Centers
Title | GREENER DATA: Best Innovative New Ways to Reduce Carbon Footprints This Year and Beyond
Date | Thursday, April 7
Time | 1p ET / 12p CT / 11a MT / 10a PT
Registration Link | HERE