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Best Practices for Mitigating Fraud in the Remote Work Era

The Communications Fraud Control Association has reported that fraud cost the telecom industry about $28 billion last year. The global shift to work-from-home environments is putting service providers at even higher risk now, as they navigate an influx of customer requests and incident responses, potentially with a reduced staff. Unfortunately, waking up to a skyrocketing bill due to toll fraud is all too common. Mitigating network fraud is an evolving science. 

Bandwidth is taking the lead on offering the latest best practices by hosting a virtual panel on June 2nd at 1pm EST. Click Here to Register to attend. Panelists will address actionable tips on topics around STIR/SHAKEN, robocalling, spoofing, toll-free fraud, and more. The panel will be moderated by Evan Kirstel, noted B2B/Social Media Influencer. Additional panelists include:

  • Tom Soroka, Director of Fraud Mitigation – Bandwidth
  • Greg Rogers, Deputy General Counsel, Global Policy & Regulatory Affairs – Bandwidth
  • Ed Fox, CTO at MetTel
  • John Glavin, Director, Product Marketing, Enterprise Session Delivery Solutions, Oracle Inc.

To register, click here. For more information about Bandwidth, visit www.bandwidth.com.


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