365 Data Centers announces today that Ray Allieri will join the company as Regional Vice President, overseeing operations in Southeast Florida from the Boca Raton data center.
As one of 365’s leaders, Allieri will establish consistent, executive oversight in one of 365’s largest markets. He will be responsible for ensuring that 365 continues as a trustworthy, reliable, and cost-effective service provider and that its data center, network, and cloud infrastructure remain resilient. This region represents part of 365’s strategic Florida edge presence along with its Tampa data center and other network Points-of-Presence in Orlando and Jacksonville.
“Executive interaction with our customers, partners and vendors is key, and Ray will carry out this role for 365 as our primary C-level representative in the region,” said Bob DeSantis, CEO of 365. “Southeast Florida is one of 365 Data Center’s most important markets, where we operate high-quality data center facilities in Boca Raton and Fort Lauderdale and cloud platforms in Boca Raton and Miami with a recent state-of-the-art hyper-converged cloud deployment in Boca Raton.”
As an industry veteran, Ray will leverage his decades of leadership experience and time spent in the Southeast Florida market to guarantee 365’s local and national personnel deliver exceptional colocation, network and cloud services, and outstanding customer support. He has held senior executive positions, including CEO and COO, at technology and communication companies.
Read the full release here.
For more information about 365 Data Centers, visit 365datacenters.com.