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1623 Farnam Unveils Their New Partners in Peering Video Podcast Series

The 1623 Farnam team unveiled their new Partners in Peering video podcast. Throughout this series the team  will showcase the depth of value peering delivers, real insights from IX users,  and trends, tips, news and insights from present and future connectivity.  

The latest edition of the 1623 Farnam Partners in Peering Podcast with Greg Elliott and Matt Reed features Lisa Wright, Ecosystem Partner Manager at Console Connect

Lisa,who is a 15 year veteran of the tech industry, explains how even in our personal lives we are making use of an internet exchange point. 

“Everybody at one point in their life, even on a daily day of interacting, makes use of an internet exchange point in one way or another. Internet exchange is the hub, or the heart, of the industry where all the different networks get interconnected with each other and allows you to get to certain web domains or websites faster. Peering for me is very important because it is the heart of connectivity.”

The vision when creating the Partners in Peering podcast was to create a place to bring people together to learn, discuss, grow and digitally transform. Those who are already a part of the growing OmahaIX ecosystem know the rich advantages that can be found in this kind of interconnected community and this podcast will spread that knowledge to others.  

Check out the Partners in Peering podcast HERE

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