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1623 Farnam Data Gravity Ecosystem

1623 Farnam Reports: Skyrocketing Demand for Next-Gen Fuels Data Gravity 

The rise of low latency applications and highly available workloads has moved data, computing, storage, and networks closer to the edge. It’s clear that to support high-quality user experiences across next-gen applications such as AI, 5G, IoT, driverless cars, and machine learning, networks must be more agile with quicker data transfer coupled with lower latency and minimal jitter.

In a report by McKinsey, almost half of the 2,395 surveyed participants across a full range of regions, industries, and company sizes, said their organizations had already adopted AI in at least one function. Ericsson also forecasted that in 2022, 5G subscriptions would surpass the one billion mark, which turns out to be much faster than 4G’s introduction. 

So, it’s not surprising that the edge data centers that are positioned firmly to support all of these next-gen technologies are the ones that have the new data gravity-driven edge.

Unpacking The Gravity of Data 

According to Technopedia: “Data gravity is an analogy of the nature of data and its ability to attract additional applications and services. The Law of Gravity states that the attraction between objects is directly proportional to their weight (or mass). Dave McCrory coined the term data gravity to describe the phenomenon in which the number or quantity and the speed at which services, applications, and even customers are attracted to data increases as the mass of the data also increases.”

Right now, the edge is rich in data gravity, but not all edge data centers have this momentum. Interconnected edge data center provider, 1623 Farnam is taking a closer look. Check out this article by Greg Elliott of 1623 Farnam that explains more about this auspicious dynamic and why you should entrust your IT infrastructure to a data center rich in interconnection packed with the gravity-driven edge X factor.

For more information: Download the Go To Data Gravity eBook: HERE.

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