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1623 Farnam and Bluestem Networks Link Up with 10-Gigabit All-Fiber Tether

1623 Farnam and Bluestem Networks have established an impressive all-tether fiber between their two facilities. Bluestem’s new hyperconnected Data and Services Hub (DASH) located in downtown Lincoln, Nebraska is now tethered via a 10-gigabit connection to 1623 Farnam’s Omaha IX. This new partnership gives both Bluestem and Farnam customers access to an even more diverse ecosystem of cloud providers and Tier 1, 2 and 3 carriers. 

Bluestem’s DASH is a hybrid service provider hub combined with a hyperconnected information services center and will be ready for service in the first quarter of 2021. This new direct tether between the two state-of-the-art facilities significantly expands the portfolios of both companies to offer their clients robust new network opportunities. Customers will benefit from lower latency, fewer network hops and increased performance and resiliency. 

“Both of our companies share a common passion for excellence and helping organizations do more to innovate and expand capabilities by leveraging the necessary high capacity infrastructure that powers today’s business and IT environments,” comments Todd Cushing, President of 1623 Farnam. “This new 10 Gig connection between 1623 Farnam and Bluestem Network offers a ton of essential connectivity and local peering options, not only to enterprises and ISPs, but managed services, cloud and content providers, as well. Clients can also easily interconnect to Google’s largest North American Cloud node and a Facebook cloud node located in the metro area.”

“We are excited to launch our new hyperconnected data and services hub along with this 10 Gig connection into 1623 Farnam,” states Trevor Snider, Chief Operating Officer of Bluestem Network. “This deployment is core to our mission to get customers ‘thinking locally and competing globally’ with Bluestem Network’s first-class IT and internet services. With this new fiber tether, we are doing something really unique by providing an interconnection point for businesses in Lincoln to access a host of carriers and cloud providers quickly and easily. It also offers rapid failover options for customers desirous of utilizing multiple internet service providers.” 

Upcoming developments include the deployment of a second 10 Gigabit fiber tether between 1623 Farnam and Bluestem Network for added network resiliency and diversity in the first quarter of 2021, making Bluestem Network the only hub in Lincoln which provides direct access to two Tier 1 carriers.

To learn more about 1623 Farnam, go to www.1623Farnam.com.

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