165 Halsey Street, a dedicated 1.2 million square foot data center/colocation/telecom carrier hotel offering affordable space, power and interconnection services, announces the release of its latest free-to-download e-book, “Navigating New York Data Center Market Trends.”
The New York City data center scene remains a critical focal point for businesses seeking solutions in data center management in the heart of the busiest city in the world. In 2024, data centers strategically poised to handle demand for instant data delivery are the ones that can keep up with New York computing space needs in the Northeast.
This e-book will explore:
- Navigating New York Data Center Market Trends in 2024 and Beyond
- Leveraging New York Colocation Benefits to Propel Your Business in Today’s Marketplace
- Figuring Out Your Company’s Next Data Center Move with the Right Provider
Download the new eBook here.
165 Halsey Street has over 80 MW of power that can accommodate dedicated data center space needs, handling all of your data center environment and data center connectivity needs in New York City and beyond.
For more information about 165 Halsey and its customers, visit 165halsey.com.