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Adding Value: How Marketing Attribution Can Be Your Road Map

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com. Please find it here. About halfway through Lewis Carroll’s classic Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Alice comes across the infamous Cheshire Cat. Here’s a snippet of their conversation: “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want […]

Ecosystem Marketing: Where One Plus One Equals Three

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com. Please find it here. Leadership author and retired U.S. Army Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal has suggested, “Many leaders are tempted to lead like a chess master, striving to control every move, when they should be leading like gardeners, creating and maintaining a viable ecosystem in which the organization operates.” […]

2021 B2B Marketing Planning In The Age Of Covid

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com. Please find it here. Many companies seemed to fall in one of two camps when the coronavirus pandemic started: They either hunkered down, pausing all marketing activities to “wait out” lockdown or went “all in” on customer acquisition to make up for potential losses. Turns out, the “all or […]

Why Your Company Needs To Establish A Brand Position Now

establish a brand position

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com. Please find it here. When asked, leaders of most organizations can tell you what their company offers, including the services they provide or the products they sell. When you ask questions that dig deeper, however, the answers get a little less clear. I’ve noticed that more often than not, […]

How To Approach Virtual Events As A Long-Term Marketing Strategy

virtual events strategy

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com. Please find it here. Well, 2020 hasn’t been going the way you planned, has it? That seamless marketing plan you spent countless hours perfecting, which probably included a calendar of events along with a sizable budget for them, is now out the window. Instead of canceling, you want to […]

Why You Need a Telecom Public Relations Agency

Telecom PR Agency TNN

What do you think about when you hear the term public relations or – in short – “PR”? Public relations can, at times, seem like a foggy and befuddling concept for businesses – but it doesn’t need to be. Let’s demystify PR by examining what it is, what it can do for you, and why […]

How to Pivot Your Edge Computing Marketing Plan During the Pandemic

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Originally published on EdgeIR So far 2020 has been, as an understatement, an anomalous time for edge data centers and businesses in general. Pandemic policies rendered yearly marketing plans largely unusable, as marketing mixes, editorial calendars, and – especially – budgets were thrown into uncertainty. Out-of-home marketing is out of the question. All in-person conferences, lunches, […]

Five Ways To Pivot B2B Marketing Plans During The Pandemic

pivot b2b marketing

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com. Please find it here. As we navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are being forced to examine how, where and when to market themselves. It can be viewed as a reputation tightrope as businesses and brands delicately balance having a sensitive and compassionate tone with finding opportunities to remain […]

Maintaining And Building Brand Awareness During a Global Crisis

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com. Please find it here. Drastic times call for drastic reflection, support and conscientious action. As brand stewards, counselors and strategic advisors on messaging, outreach and overall brand elevation, we are often called upon to advise in crisis situations. While the COVID-19 pandemic is certainly a crisis, it is also […]

Ava Ramblings 5: The Art of Letting Go

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(This is the fifth installment of Jaymie’s ‘Ava Ramblings’ blog series on being a pregnant CEO during COVID-19. If interested, check out the first, second, third and fourth installments as well.)   Dear Ava,  It’s Memorial Day Weekend and just a couple of weeks before your dad and I can finally hold you.  The summer […]