"Greener Data - Volume Two" Now Available
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Video Consent and Release

Without expectation of compensation or other remuneration, now or in the future, I hereby give my consent to Jaymie Scotto & Associates (JSA), its affiliates and agents, to use my image and likeness and / or any interview statements from me in its publications, advertising or other media activities (including the Internet).  This consent includes, but is not limited to:

(a) Permission to interview, film, photograph, tape, or otherwise make a video or photographic reproduction of me and / or record my voice; 

(b) Permission to use my name, title, and current employer’s name; and 

(c) Permission to use quotes from the interview(s) (or excerpts of such quotes), the film, photograph(s), tape(s) or reproduction(s) of me, and / or recording of my voice, in part or in whole, in its publications, in newspapers, magazines and other print media, on television, radio and electronic media (including the Internet), education or any further purpose JSA deems necessary.